Our Traditional Dances

Ukwa Dance

.Ukwa is the initiation dance of the Efik people. It is performed by men as part of the funeral rites of a departed Obong of Calabar or during the funeral obsequies of a warrior. Initiates of the Ekpe society constitute the bulk of the performers. Ukwa dance is also performed to appease the gods of the Efik land (referred to as ‘Unuak Isong’)

Nyok Dance

Nyok is a social or occupational dance of the Efik people and is synonymous with the boat regatta performed at the fishing settlements in Calabar and in Cross River state. Nyok dance is strictly a portrayal in mime and pantomime, of a fishing expedition. The reason why it’s called Nyok is because of the using of the legs with the rattles.

Swange Dance

Swange originated from the middle belt of Nigeria, Benue state, among the Tiv, Igala and Idoma people. the dance originated from that locale which is around the River Niger. The dance particularly exhibits fluidity in body movement, which was inspired by the flow of the River.

Saba Dance

Saba dance is a dance from Senegal which is created to beats of the Senegalese sarba drum that depicts the elegance and pride of the Senegalese. Saba dance is a graceful, rigorous and energetic dance, and it’s used for entertainment at various ceremonial occasions like marriage ceremony, naming, coronation; religious gatherings etc.

Fume-Fume Dance

This dance was brought to Nigeria by Gongbeat, led then by Mr Adebo Alexander through a cultural exchange programme between a Ghanaian dance company (Odehe) AND GONGBEAT Arts. Fume-fume is moonlight dance done by both sexes, regardless of the age; it's done at social gatherings.

Bata Dance

A very popular dance amongst the Yoruba’s of Nigeria. It is a rigorous and energetic dance that is associated with SANGO (the god of thunder and lightening). Bata dance has also been developed to today’s contemporary dance trend, by OCDGroup Africa, with different concepts with chairs, walking sticks, acapela etc. Bata dance with its mathematical accurate movements and praise songs is also used for entertainment at social gatherings. The dance comes in varieties, which evolved from the different moods and temperaments of the thunder king himself. They are: GBAMU ERO – (the slow version, which is very popular and common) GBAMU ELE – (the fast and energetic version). IJO-OGE – (Normally done by the female to entice the men) While the rest are highly demanding because you really have to understand the drum language and phrases before you can be sure to participate. ELESE – (for elders). FILA KOGBA. KUTELU KAILA ELEKOTO.

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